
About Grovedale Neighbourhood House

Grovedale Neighbourhood House is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) under the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP) and is auspiced by the City of Greater Geelong (CoGG).

It is an integral part of the Grovedale Community Hub and provides a broad range of activities, programs and events to the community of Grovedale and surrounds.

The Grovedale Neighbourhood House Program operates within a rights based community development framework of inclusion, equity, diversity, life long learning and community connection and strengthening.

GNH is a member of the Neighbourhood Houses Victoria and the Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Houses.


The Grovedale Community Centre was constructed and officially opened in 1986 within the Shire of South Barwon. Funding was made available through the State Government. The Grovedale Senior Citizens Club became one of the several tenants, along with a branch of the municipal library. The Grovedale Senior Citizens Club was successful in gaining a grant through the State Government that enabled a contribution of $180,000 to the construction of the Centre. You can read more here.